
Monday, August 16, 2010

Lease utilization

Lease utilization is a financial ratio which measures how much the company uses leasing arrangements to acquire its fixed assets. The two types of leases are operating leases and capital leases. Correspondingly, there are two types of lease utilization ratios: Operating Lease Utilization and Capital Lease Utilization
Looking at the lease utilization is a good way to identify whether differences in the financial metrics of comparable firms may be due in part to differences in the way that assets are acquired. A capital lease affects the financial statements much in the same way that buying the asset on credit would. However, if a company makes heavy use of operating leases, then the assets are not reflected on the balance sheet. Therefore, due to the lower amount of assets, it may appear that the company is generating a higher return on assets. However, this could be merely an accounting phenomenon that occurs as a result of the alternative asset acquisition method.


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